Sunday, February 19, 2012

Confessions of a Skinny-Fat Man Part II (18-25)

One of my first thoughts this morning (after coffeeeeee…..must make coffeeeee and move cats I’ll feed you after I make coffeeeee……and damn it Kramer….get out of my way--you can see in the dark—) was that  I've never seen a salad eating contest.  Really, who would want to "train" for that?

Like so many other things, a quick Google search found that there are

Granted, I'm no Takeru Kobayashi, Joey Chestnut, or even Adam Richman, but I have occasionally (at least in my late teens/early twenties) tested my metal (errr....stomach) against food. [Here, once again, I must apologize to anyone currently on a diet.] 

Could I eat a large supreme pizza? Yes. Have I? Yes, I have, yes. Two Carne Asada burritos, a fish taco, and a quesadilla? Yes, please.  A +20oz prime rib at Georgia's and the Owl in Amidon, ND? Yep. (Oh, and the last one was on a date w/ Dawn Rae before we were married.....poor girl.)

Was there a certain amount of male posturing or machismo involved? In the above examples, no...just the appetite of a young man with a high metabolism and a bad habit of occasionally skipping meals (no longer young--but the other stuff is still pretty true).  In the following example, however, I have to admit that it was pretty much a "guy thing."

Anyway....The following occurred before I was 21 so no alcohol was involved.  A group of us went out to a restaurant (with plans to see a movie later).  Lucky us: the restaurant was offering all you can eat buffalo wings.  

I'm reasonably sure that it all started innocently enough.  In other words, I don't think it started as a competition. BUT... at one point we decided (again, remember, no beer was involved...but it _was_ all you can eat) to see which one of us could eat the most.  I think it was just four of us.  Two stopped after 20 or maybe 30....which meant one "big" plate and maybe 2 or 3 rounds of smaller plates...nothing that would piss off the waitress given that we were prob. drinking water.  

Did I mention that of the guys was at least 6'7 and 300lbs? Oh...and he didn't stop after 20 or 30.  Neither did I; at this  point you can probably guess why. 

And so it began: 35, 40, 45, 50.  After around 50 I think the bartenders started paying attention. 55, 60, 65. At this point they were probably bored.  66,67, 68....yep, at 68 the big guy stopped....finished...finito.  

I did not.

70...could have stopped at 70; 2 more, that's reasonable right? What part of 70 wings is reasonable though?  

80 probably should have stopped at 80. Nice round number.

90 didn't stopped at 90 but couldn't eat more than 93. Well past 68 and 7 below 100.  

Why? Because I could and the other guy was 6'7 .....Still wish I would have made it to 100.  Just for the story. I will not round up though....wouldn't be right.

No, I didn't get sick....just in case you were wondering.

Part III to follow.

1 comment:

  1. LOL and ROTFL as they say, Dr. B. You have a rare gift. Because you are still alive, then I think you owe it to yourself to seek wider recognition for your God-given abilities. Is there a Natchitoches-meatpie-eating contest?
